
稻草人 Strawman

策展人 | 叶高兴 Ye Gaoxing

艺术家 | 王云梅 Wang Yunmei

  • 稻䓍人是农耕者为了防止鸟兽损毁农作物而立于田间地头的人偶,早期多用稻䓍制作,故称为“稻䓍人”,随着社会经济的发展,“稻䓍人”的形象虽然更加多样化,但有一个道理基本不变,即:我不伤你、你勿损我。这也是人与自然和谐相处的古老准则。
      In the early days, they were mostly made of straw, so they were called "strawmen". As social and economic development progressed, the images of the "stawman" became more diverse, but one thing remained the same: I will not hurt you and you will not harm me. This is also the ancient code of harmony between man and nature.