
疫情 The epidemic

策展人 | 叶高兴 Ye Gaoxing

艺术家 | 王云梅 Wang Yunmei

  • 2020年初,在突如其来一场疫情面前,全县上下令行禁止、齐心抗疫。县村各域设栏设卡分隔阻断;党员志愿者日夜值守,标语广播宣传教育,人民群众严格遵守。而我,则以镜头记录抗疫、见证历史。
      At the beginning of 2020, in the face of a sudden epidemic, the whole county acted in accordance with orders and fought the epidemic with one heart. The county and village areas were barricaded and blocked; party volunteers were on duty day and night, banners were broadcast, and the people strictly abided by them. I, on the other hand, recorded the epidemic with my camera and witnessed history.