
功夫美玉 Kung Fu Meiyu

策展人 | 傅拥军 Fu Yongjun

助理/执行 | 陈浩、青木、朱羽弘 Chen Hao, Qing Mu, Zhu Yuhong

艺术家 | 李宇霞 Li Yuxia

  • 王美玉生活在小巷已有七十多年。七十年前斑驳、平淡,七十年后瑰丽、盎然,唯一不变的是她对功夫始终如一的坚持。我以美玉的个人形象作为切入点,细致观察了她生活的点点滴滴,用影像的方式再现了她敢爱敢恨的性格。这一张张照片,把时空的两端连接起来,叙述出了一个个丰富多彩的故事。兰叶度青气,袅袅沁幽香,时光之下,我能感受到小巷生机、动人的一面。
      Wang Meiyu has been living in the lane for over seventy years. Seventy years ago, she was drab and drab, seventy years later she is magnificent and full of life, the only thing that remains the same is her persistence in kung fu. Using Meiyu's personal image as an entry point, I have meticulously observed every aspect of her life and reproduced her daring character in images. These photographs connect the two ends of time and space, recounting a colourful story. I can feel the vibrant, moving side of the lane beneath the time, as the orchid leaves are green and fragrant.