跮踱 Pace Back and Forth

策展人 | 李玟玟 Li Wenwen

艺术家 | 颜静文 Yan Jingwen

  • 跮踱:读音是dié duó,汉语词语,意思是走路时忽进忽退。与当下很多青年的状态非常相似,有一些迷茫、踌躇、纠结,就像平常生活中,走路的过程中有时候非常快速,有时候又很缓慢,恍恍惚惚、不知所措。
      “跮踱”, pronounced as “dié duó”, is a Chinese word meaning to walk back and forth with hesitation. It is very similar to the state of many young people today, with some confusion, hesitation and entanglement. Those young man are just willing to blend into crowd, leading a life which sometimes very fast and sometimes very slow. They are always in a trance, not knowing what to do.
      For a long time, I was in a state of confusion without a clear goal, aimlessly wandering between my own world and the real world. Through art creation, I have found an outlet to release my emotions, and this period has been a process of finding myself.