丽水援鄂医疗队肖像 Portrait of Lishui Medical Team

策展人 | 刘宇 执行策展人|曹旭、陈黎明 Liu Yu Curator|Cao Xu, Chen Liming

  • 1月25日第一批、1月27日第二批、1月28日第三批、2月9日第四批、2月13日第五批。2020年春节,在湖北武汉疫情形势异常严峻的紧要关头,丽水先后5批次共计80名医务人员驰援湖北。在最关键时刻,他们与来自全国各地的医疗队员一起奋战,为湖北人民筑起了一道道生命防线。
      The first batch on 25 January, the second batch on 27 January, the third batch on 28 January, the fourth batch on 9 February and the fifth batch on 13 February. 2020 Chinese New Year, at the critical moment when the epidemic situation in Wuhan, Hubei was extremely serious, Lishui sent a total of 80 medical staff in 5 batches to help Hubei. At the most critical moment, they fought together with medical team members from all over the country to build a line of life defense for the people of Hubei.
      "Loyalty to the mission, seeking to advance, rooted in the people", 80 medical staff with practical action to show the new era of the spirit of Lishui medical workers, professional ethics and quality of will, to win the battle of Wuhan, Hubei defense, for the national epidemic prevention of the overall situation contributed to the power of Zhejiang, Lishui power.
      They are warriors, heroes, excellent sons and daughters of southwest Zhejiang, the pride of the people of Lishui!