万古——超越控制的时代 AEON — An era beyond control

艺术家 | 马塞尔·里克利(瑞士)Marcel Rickli (Switzerland)

  • 这是一项探索记录与艺术二者之间边界的视觉研究项目,将核符号学的象征性与如今所建造的核废料储存库的事实性进行对比。该项目说明了定义符号的困难,这些符号必须在物理上和意义上经受漫长的时间,以保护未来文明免受放射性废料的影响。
      This series is a visual research project exploring the territory between documentary and art that contrasts through the factuality shown by nuclear waste repositories and the metaphor shown by nuclear semiotics. It illustrates the difficulty of defining signs. These signs must endure immense stretches of time to protect future civilizations from nuclear waste.