大都会 Metropolis

艺术家 | 徐昕 Xu Xin

  • 上海这座城市从来不缺乏记录它的人,从摄影家陆元敏, GREG GIRARD到席子,大家都在以不同的视角记录它的变迁。
      the Metroplis 大都会是我持续在进行的关于上海的一个主题,至于“METROPLIS”这个词则是我从英文单词中撷取而成。
      The city of Shanghai has never been short of people to document it, from photographers such as Lu Yuanmin and Greg Girard to Xi Zi, all of whom are documenting its changes from different perspectives.
      The Metroplis is an ongoing theme in my work on Shanghai, and the word 'METROPLIS' is a word I picked up from the English language.
      By looking at the city from different angles, I always want to leave something behind of this fast passing or developing city. The moments of life in the sunbeds under my lens are a reflection of my life as a teenager. And so this is a feature. In this feature, you can see the different living conditions of the people on the roofs of the old houses, and the magic of the city in contrast to the old and the new.
       The project has been going on for almost five years now, and many of the scenes recorded on camera have died out. I still continue to walk and discover the city.